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Digging Deeper The Art of Root-Cause Analysis

                        Once upon a time, a gardener noticed that the leaves of the plants in his garden had turned yellow and the flowers had withered. The gardener immediately began to pluck and trim the withered leaves, water the flowers, and apply a generous amount of fertilizer. However, this did not solve the fundamental issue, and despite all the efforts, the plants still did not produce any blooms.

At this point, a friend of the gardener suggested inspecting the roots of the plants. The gardener began to investigate the roots and the soil, and through his research, he realized that the soil had poor drainage, and the roots of the plants were excessively waterlogged. This condition was causing the roots to rot and the surface symptoms to appear. The gardener decided to focus on addressing the root cause by improving the soil's drainage. As a result, the plants started to thrive, their leaves turned green, and they began to bloom once again. This time, the gardener had tackled the core issue, allowing the plants to grow healthier and display vibrant blooms.


This story emphasizes the importance of addressing the root causes rather than surface symptoms when trying to improve the health of plants. A decaying plant may provide temporary relief by addressing surface issues, but the problem will reoccur unless the root cause is resolved.


It's the same for businesses, if you don't get to the root of the problems and develop solutions, the problems will repeat over and over again and instead of increasing efficiency, it will only decrease your pocketbook.

What is Root-Cause Analysis?

                Root Cause Analysis is a systematic process used to identify the underlying causes of problems or issues within an organization, product, process, or system. The goal of RCA is to determine what went wrong, why it went wrong, and how to prevent it from happening again in the future. So how does the process proceed?

->Define the problem clearly at the beginning.

-> Collect existing data about the problem (e.g., reports, feedback).

-> Consider potential root causes and create a hypothesis.

-> Confirm or falsify your hypothesis using data.

-> Identify possible root causes underlying the problem.

-> Examine each possible root cause in more detail.

-> Develop solution suggestions for each root cause.

-> Implement the developed solutions.

-> Monitor the impact of implemented solutions and evaluate the results.

As you can see, root-cause analysis is a method that helps you analyze the problems in detail and eliminate the issues from the ground.



With TheClico you can find your unproductive plants!

Why Should You Choose Us?

                 TheClico's core strength is our skilled analysts to extract business insight and identify key problems. Our expert team members guide your projects with their exceptional skills in identifying root causes.


Customized Approach Every customer's needs are different and we offer solutions specific to each project. Each analysis is designed to reflect your specific business needs and objectives.


Deep Data Analysis At TheClico, we base our decisions on statistical solid analysis and data mining skills. In this way, we provide you with clear and concrete results.


Focused on Continuous Improvement Solving problems is just the beginning. We also identify opportunities for continuous improvement. We help your business continuously improve.


At TheClico, we're proud to help you make your business better with our deep knowledge and expertise in root cause analysis. Our analytics are designed to help you make your business more efficient and competitive.

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